This section of the document highlights public API of ConsumingRegistry and ProvidingRegistry. Usage of methods of these API is self-explanatory.


The public interface of ProvidingRegistry is quite simple and is illustrated by a listing below (please refer to JavaDoc comments to find descriptions of individual methods):

 * Generic interface for ProvidingRegistry. The main purpose of provider
 * registry is to provide ability to register (or publish) items stored in
 * the distributed registry.
 * Appropriate ConsumerRegistries that shares data with this registry will
 * be notified of the items published by the ProvidingRegistry.
 * @author Andrew Sazonov
 * @version 1.0
 * @param <K> type of keys used to identify registry items
 * @param <V> type of values stored in the registry
 * @see ConsumingRegistry

public interface ProvidingRegistry<K extends Serializable, V extends Serializable>
   * Registers item stored under given key
   * @param aItemKey key of the item to be registered
   * @param aItem the item to be registered
  public void registerItem(K aItemKey, V aItem);

   * Performs un-registration of the item under given key. Item will
   * be removed from the distributed registry
   * @param aItemKey item to unregister
  public void unRegisterItem(K aItemKey);

   * Forces registry to issue notification for all registered items.
   * Potentially, this method can be called on some scheduled basis
   * to provider "heart-beat" of registry (so client registries will be
   * re-notified about content published via registry).
  public void notifyAllRegistrations();

There is inherited interface, DiscoverableProvidingRegistry that is declared as it is illustrated by the listing below. It and allows obtaining information on items that were published by the particular instance of ProvidingRegistry.

 * Extension to {@link ProvidingRegistry} that allows to obtain content
 * of items that was published by particular {@link ProvidingRegistry}.
 * @author Andrew Sazonov
 * @version 1.0
 * @param <K> type of keys used to identify registry items
 * @param <V> type of values stored in the registry
 * @see ProvidingRegistry

public interface DiscoverableProvidingRegistry<K extends Serializable, V extends Serializable>
        extends ProvidingRegistry<K, V>
   * List of items that were published by this provider registry
   * @return items
  public List<Map.Entry<K, V>> getOwnItems();


The public interface of ConsumingRegistry contains more methods than one of ProvidingRegistry but still is quite simple.

* Generic interface for ConsumingRegistry. <code>ConsumingRegistry</code>
* is used to obtain information about items stored in distributed registry.
* Since there can be several ProvidingRegistries that publish different
* items under the same key, the <code>ConsumingRegistry</code> allows to
* obtain the set of items published by them under the particular key.
* <p/>
* In addition to obtaining information on current state of distributed
* registry, the <code>ConsumingRegistry</code> may also indicate that some
* items in the registry are invalid (therefore, if there are several
* <code>ConsumingRegistries</code>, they may handle such a
* notification).
* @author Andrew Sazonov
* @version 1.0
* @param <K> type of keys used to identify registry items
* @param <V> type of values stored in the registry
* @see ProvidingRegistry

public interface ConsumingRegistry<K extends Serializable, V extends Serializable>
  * Indicates whether there were any changes in distributed registry occurred
  * due to synchronization since the last call of the <code>getItems()</code>
  * for given key.
  * @param aItemKey key for items
  * @return true if the set of data items stored under the given key was
  *         changed since the last call of {@link #getItems}
  * @see #getItems
 public boolean isDirty(K aItemKey);

  * Returns the set of items stored in the distributed registry under given
  * key.
  * @param aItemKey key of items
  * @return set of items stored under given key

 public Set<V> getItems(K aItemKey);

  * Returns list of available keys currently stored in registry (ones
  * which are actually stored in particular instance of consuming registry
  * or all published ones)
  * @param aForceRefresh indicates whether request for available items
  * should be issued to distributed
  * registry before returning set of key
  * @return a set of available keys
 public Set<K> getKeys(boolean aForceRefresh);

  * Provides ability to mark specific item  stored in the distributed
  * registry as invalid one.
  * It there are several <code>ConsumingRegistries<code> in the same
  * distributed registry, they can be notified of and be handled
  * properly. It's assumed that this call will not affect
  * ProvidingRegistries somehow.
  * @param aItemKey key of the item
  * @param aItem the item which should be marked invalid
 public void markItemInvalid(K aItemKey, V aItem);

  * Initiates requesting of items for given key by sending appropriate
  * notifications to ProvidingRegistries
  * @param aItemKey if null, will request items for all available keys
  public void requestItems(K aItemKey);

   * Removes listener from list of registered RegistryEventProcessors which
   * performs further processing of obtained external notifications
   * @param aListener processor to be removed
  public void removeRegistryEventProcessor(RegistryEventProcessor<K, V> aListener);

   * Adds listener to list of registered RegistryEventProcessors which
   * performs the  further processing of obtained external notifications
   * @param aListener processor to be added
  public void addRegistryEventProcessor(RegistryEventProcessor<K, V> aListener);

   * Closes this registry instance and performs all necessary cleanup. As
   * soon as registry is  closed, no actions may be performed within  it, so
   * calling this methods actually ends registry instance lifecycle.
  public void close();

   * Indicated whether registry it in closed state
   * @return <code>true</code> if registry instance is closed, false otherwise
   * @see #close()
  public boolean isClosed();

DistRegistry distribution includes several examples that illustrate various aspects of distributed registry configuration and usage. Please refer to these examples to find more about possible use cases for distributed registry. Logo   Support This Project