To illustrate Distributed Registry "In Action", simple example Swing application was created. That example provides graphical front-end for underlying distributed registy and shows items which are published by ProvidingRegistry and are consumed by ConsumingRegistry. The figure below represents a screenshot of that application.

Source code as well as binaries of that application are included into distribution of Distributed registry. However, it is possible to start it using JavaWebStart technology.

Please use the buttons below to launch it now!

Distributed Registry example application

That sample application may be started in one of three modes:

  1. Server mode - application includes several instances of ProvidingRegistry that allow to publish values for predefined keys into registry;
    JGroups based Launch Distributed Registry Example
    UDP based Launch Distributed Registry Example
  2. Client mode - application includes two consuming registry which listens for items published;
    JGroups based Launch Distributed Registry Example
    UDP based Launch Distributed Registry Example
  3. Client-Server mode - application includes several instances of ProvidingRegistry and two instances of ConsumingRegistry. Despite of running as single application, such mode emulates distributed cluster that forms Distributed Registry since all communications are still performed in ordinary network-based way.
    JGroups based Launch Distributed Registry Example
    UDP based Launch Distributed Registry Example Logo   Support This Project